
Will the Digital Single Market Be Multilingual? Big Events of 2015.

Technology may not replace human translators, but it will help them work better

Translation Services and Technology One of Fastest-Growing Industry to Invest in for 2016

How computers translate human language - Ioannis Papachimonas

When does website localization become crucial?

Was bedeuten die Begriffe "Internationalisierung" und "Lokalisierung", und in welcher Beziehung stehen sie zueinander?

When Culture Doesn’t Translate. Cross-Cultural Management.

Online Businesses and Digital Startups in the European Union: Young, Dynamic, and Globally-minded.

Stronger Global Brands Have Websites in More Languages Than Their Less-profitable Competitors*

The issue of language is a challenge. Localization.*

What do the terms 'internationalization' and 'localization' mean, and how are they related?

Fourth Source: Meeting Global Customer Demands with Localized Experiences Across Channels*